Light vs. Heavy Weed Smoker: What to Know

During pre-legalization days, “smoking” was most often a term used to refer to cigarettes, which became increasingly discouraged as research revealed its negative effects on our bodies. In the cannabis world, though, stoners have rejoiced at the news that moderate marijuana smoking doesn’t appear to have the same effect on lung function

Smoking is a classic mode of cannabis consumption that allows users to slowly enjoy their weed, taking in the delectable smell and taste of their strain of choice. Keep reading to learn more about light vs. heavy smoking and the effects that each has on our bodies.

Light vs. Heavy Weed Smoking

Cannabis use varies among users, with some incorporating it more into their daily life than others. There is a spectrum of weed smoking, which ranges from light/occasional use to heavy/chronic use.

How much weed smoking is considered light?

Being a light or occasional smoker means only smoking a couple or a few times a week over a period of months or years. It’s important to note that those who only smoke weed on certain occasions with several weeks in between are not even considered light smokers since their smoking does not occur on a more consistent basis.

What is considered chronic use of weed?

How much weed smoking is considered heavy? Heavy smokers tend to intake cannabis on a daily basis, with some using it multiple times a day. Since cannabis can be consumed in different ways, it should be noted that not all heavy users are smoking for every intake. Heavy smoking becomes chronic smoking when cannabis is used on a regular basis for a prolonged period of time. 

The Impact of Heavy and Occasional Smoking

Since its legalization is quite new, the research on long-term cannabis use is limited. However, the preliminary findings do show that there are some notable differences between occasional and heavy smoking. The impacts of cannabis, whether regularly or occasionally used, can be separated into two categories:


Occasional cannabis use, which is not limited to smoking, has been shown to cause mild cognitive difficulties that usually dissipate following about a month of abstinence. On the other hand, heavy cannabis use has been linked to noticeable cognitive impairment. Some of the cognitive functions that are affected include learning and memory, attention span, impulse control, and cognitive flexibility. These impairments are not exclusively linked to smoking, instead applying to all forms of cannabis consumption.


There’s more evidence about the specific effects of smoking marijuana as it relates to our bodies: more specifically, our lung function. The good news is that research has found no evidence of adverse effects on lung function in the short term. Instead,studies suggest that a light weed smoker may experience an increase in lung airflow and lung volume. Researchers attribute this improvement to the way that weed smokers have trained themselves to inhale and exhale more fully while smoking. 

In another study, researchers looked at the long-term effect of cannabis use in terms of joint years. A joint year is equivalent to one joint per day. The study showed that smoking marijuana didn’t begin negatively impacting lung function until after 10 joint years. Following 10 joint years, lung volume declined. However, lung capacity still seemed to experience an increase, which supported the idea that the way marijuana is smoked helps users hold and exhale more air.

Enjoy Your Next Smoke Session

Whether smoking is your desired mode of cannabis consumption or not, the best place to start is with quality weed. Whether you’re a light or heavy weed smoker, Campfire Cannabis offers everything you need for a proper smoke session. Browse our online selection of flowers, pre-rolls, and smoking accessories today.

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